Stay Slim Naturally Pack

The holistic approach to permanent weight loss in just three easy steps

from £49.99
Stay Slim Naturally Pack

The Natural way to lose weight makes you feel great and stay that way permanently - without depriving you of the lifestyle you love.

Imagine a nutrition and exercise regime that matches your individual levels of motivation


Using detoxing techniques to take years off the way you look and feel, with practical advice on nutrition, to enhance your skin and positive thinking. You can feel revitalised and full of energy - notice the difference in only seven days!

This safe, gentle, effective and natural way to lose weight makes you feel great and stay that way permanently - without depriving you of the lifestyle you love.

The Stay Young Detox Holistic Approach to Permanent Weight Loss in Just Three Easy Steps…

The 'Lose Weight - Stay Slim Naturally’ pack includes:

Easy Step 1 'Powerful Action' Organic Slimming pills (daytime slimming - curbing appetite naturally whilst boosting energy levels)
Easy Step 2 Naturopathic Guidelines
Easy Step 3 'Sleep & Slim' (Night Time Slimming whilst encouraging a good night's sleep)

PLUS - audio ‘Weight Loss’ cassette tape

Homeopathic support packages are available on request

Body and Mind Shop does not condone excessive weight loss, just slimming to a healthy body fat ratio. The number of people with excess fat in the UK is increasing. Obesity costs the health service millions of pounds every year in treatment for coronary disease and many other serious illnesses, all of which could be significantly reduced if people reduced body fat levels.


Easy Step 1:

'Powerful Action' Organic Slimming pillss contain virtually no indigestible substances. Unlike other plant foods whose nutrients are largely unavailable (unless cooked or sprouted), 'Powerful Action' Organic Slimming cell walls are bubble-thin complex natural sugars which practically dissolve upon contact with moisture and digestive enzymes. Within moments, the concentrated nutrients, enzymes and living enzymes are absorbed into the bloodstream, with no loss of energy incurred in the digestion of ordinary foods!

Easy Step 2:

Holistic Organic Approach to Permanent Weightloss

Our Naturopathic Guidelines will help you achieve the slim, trim and shapely body of your dreams, so that you’ll look better and years younger with clearer brighter skin and hair - and you’ll feel healthier too - more vital and full of life, with more self confidence!

'Powerful Action' Organic Slimming tablets effectively suppress the appetite while at the same time actually boosting energy levels, burning fat naturally and enabling low-calorie dieting without the energy-draining and health-destroying nutritional deficiencies that underlie the failures of most weight-loss programs.

These amazing nutritionally-satisfying tablets are taken daily before meals with plenty of water (up to a maximum of 6 tablets 3 times daily to satisfy excessive hunger pangs).

‘Lose Weight - Stay Slim Naturally’ pack:

Allows you to lose weight without starvation after special occasions or binges and safely get yourself back into shape - by doing a ‘one-day detox flush’* with BODY & MIND SHOP ‘Powerful Action Fat Burning Organic’ tablets to safely eat yourself slim and well again.

*one-day detox flush - eating only specific fruit, soup, salad and vegetables together with the tablets and water.

Safely lose half a stone in weight, change your eating habits, stop smoking, fix sensible limits for drinking and avoid dehydration; give up drugs, improve your suppleness and increase your cardiovascular fitness, whilst decreasing your stress levels - with these amazing organic tablets.

THE BODY & MIND SHOP ‘Powerful Action' fat burning Organic Slimming tablets help you to eat well for life, introducing you to healthier appetising choices that speed up your metabolism on a daily basis, so that you can keep your weight under control permanently. Understand how to lose and avoid weight gain, avoid the dangers of fad diets, adopt better eating habits and avoid anorexia or bulimia. Learn which foods can help to improve your figure, boost your confidence, improve your looks and self-esteem, making you healthier, fitter and giving you more vitality.


It even works while you sleep
It’s very simple: remember before you go to bed to take 1 capsule of Night Time Slimming ‘Sleep & Slim’ (for best effects take 2-3 hours after your last protein meal)

Night Time Slimming whilst encouraging a good night's sleep

This night time fat-burning supplement is made from a combination of amino acids, enabling you to continue the process of burning up any excess body fat while you sleep; tightening and toning the body's lean tissue and ensuring you wake up feeling more refreshed and active in readiness for the next day. Also recommended to help with insomnia.

PLUS an audio ‘Weight Loss’ cassette tape to listen to whilst relaxed - designed to help you win with your mind through ‘visualisation’; helping you to change the negative beliefs you have regarding your body, and empowering you to make better choices regarding your diet.


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