Colloidal Silver Economy Solution 500ml: liquid spray

Amazing Colloidal Silver powerful natural economic antibiotic protection: spray away those aches and pains, remarkable healing powers can even help arthritis.

from £10.95 RRP £12.95 - Save 15%
  • Your perfect travelling companion Colloidal Silver Spray containing Silver which is known for its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties
  • The 100ml refillable size, with handy funnel, is ideal for carrying in a bag or pocket.
  • Use the 250 ml non-spray nozzle to refill the 1o ml and 100 ml spray-nozzle sizes
  • Contains very small particle size Ideal for use all-round the house,
  • Colloidal Silver Economy Solution: 500ml: liquid
Colloidal Silver Spray 100ml PLUS Refill 250 ml
Colloidal Silver Spray 100ml
Colloidal Silver Spray REFILL 250 ml
Colloidal Silver Spray (100ml) Homeopathic Mollusculum & Skin Care Solution
Colloidal Silver Spray (250ml) Homeopathic Mollusculum & Skin Care Solution
Colloidal Silver Economy Solution: 500ml: liquid
Colloidal Silver Economy Pack 4 x 500ml Glass Amber Colloidal Silver – 4 Pack Special £60.00 Original price was: £79.96


Body & Mind Shop

Colloidal Silver Economy Solution: 500ml: liquid

Colloidal Silver ‘Solution’

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Natural Antibiotic Alternative for long-term good health

If, your worried about COVID 19 Corona Virus, because your suffering from general ill health (recurrent viruses), low energy, then Spraying with Colloidal Silver or using it on a nebuliser may help alongside with the following advice:

Serious medical advice by Japanese doctors treating COVID - 19 cases. Everyone should ensure their mouth and throat is moist and never dry. Take a few sips a water every15 minutes at least. WHY? Even if the virus gets into your mouth...drinking water or other liquids will wash them down through your oesophagus and into the stomach. Once in the tummy your stomach acid will be able to kill all of the virus. If you don't drink enough water more regularly the virus can enter your windpipes and into the LUNGS. That's very dangerous. 

Precious Silver Protection Soothing for dry throat scalp and skin ailments and more!

For at least eight centuries, some cultures added powdered silver to a newborn’s bath as protection against a harsh and stressful world.

The Romans and earlier empires used silver vessels to store drinking water because of the purifying qualities of the metal.

Colloidal Silver Bacteria struggles to survive in low oxygen levels -  this therefore make colloidal silver effective by starving oxygen levels and in destroying, fungi, viruses and parasites, which literally aren't allowed to breathe and grow.offering a barrier and body protection.

Today’s modern research confirms what these cultures knew all along: silver is a powerful healer.

Colloidal Silver is the best treatment for burns victims and most burns units will use colloidal silver to keep infections out of large wounds.

Antibiotics work on only 2-3 specific bacteria at which they are targeted: colloidal silver, however, has been proven to work on over 650 types of pathogens that it has been tested on and kills them in approximately 6-8 minutes upon contact.

Colloidal Silver is specially formulated to work with the immune system to help maintain good health: it has been found to be helpful in treating many infectious diseases, parasites, chronic fatigue, acne, warts, and many other conditions.

Take any of the books on nutrition and look for silver in the index - you will not find it listed. Small scale research on colloidal silver used on plants and animals, ‘healthy’ and ‘diseased’, is however showing astonishing results and it is suggested that silver is of major importance to the growth and maturing of plants and animals.

This powerful colloidal silver supplement can be sprayed into the mouth or nostrils, or added to water or juice. The spray and the solution can also be applied to the skin.
Normal retail price can start at £40.00!

Colloidal Silver natural antibiotic for long-term good health.

Suggested Usage (directions):
Children, can take one  teaspoon daily  Adults, between 1-3 teaspoons as needed (40 sprays = 1 teaspoon). Can be sprayed on sores, cuts, and burns as well. Best taken by itself, much better between meals. May be mixed with water or juice. Most useful when applied topically. A typical bottle provides a 30 day supply.



When using externally, try and keep the area being treated wet with the Colloidal Silver, as it works best in direct contact. However, in the interest of safety - we strongly advise that you conduct a 24 hour patch test (on a sensitive but discreet area)before applying Colloidal Silver directly to the skin.

Spray on private areas to get quick effective relief from feminine itching and irritation. -

*It is advisable to do a test patch on a sensitive area first. Can also be used in conjunction with our Celtic Salt.

To make up a Celtic Salt wash -

  • Fill a cup with boiled water then leave to cool.
  • Once cooled, add a teaspoon of the Celtic Salt and mix till dissolved.
  • Wash the vaginal area with solution.
  • Leave to air dry and then spray vaginal area with the Colloidal Silver Spray and leave to air dry.

This method is an extremely effective way of controlling feminine itching and ridding yourself of bacterial build-up.

Mouth freshener.

Apply a light spray after brushing your teeth, as well as, during the day or night to freshen your breath. Great for ridding yourself of after dinner odours (i.e. left from garlic or spicy meals).

Refresh your face. When applying to face use; two parts boiled water with one part Colloidal Silver..

Get rid of excess toxic build up from environmental pollution and air condition at work, home or outdoors. Also helpful in controlling acne, blackheads and other skin infections.

Lightly spray onto face and allow to dry naturally. Creams or make up can be safely used afterwards.

* For sensitive skin, it is advised to do a 24hour test patch on a descreet area..

Spray under your arms or all over the body to prevent 'bad odour'.

Most deodorants and antiperspirants contain harmful chemicals which block your sweat glands, causing toxic build-up which can increase the risk of breast cancer. Perspiration is our body's natural mechanism, ridding it of excess toxins whilst also helping to cool the body down. Colloidal Silver allows the body to breathe and perspire naturally, whilst safely killing the bacteria causing the bad odour.

100 ml Colloidal Silver Spray

20 parts per million (ppm) of 99.9% Pure Colloidal Silver Particles 0.001 microns in diameter in electrical magnetically charged and suspended in deionised water contains no artificial ingredients, preservatives or additives.

When ordering Colloidal Silver it would be helpful if you would please indicate in the comments box any condition you intend to treat with colloidal silver, as we would be delighted to offer you, with your permission, naturopathic guidelines that help to create an environment for healing.

What our customers say:

  • Used your colloidal silver spray to treat my son's Molluscum.
  • After 2 Months of regular spraying, the Molluscum disappeared and has not returned!
  • Our doctor said that there was no treatment for Molluscum and that it would eventually disappear. Try telling that to a scratching two year old! We used the spray each night for around 6 to 8 weeks and the Molluscum disappeared. It has been nearly a year since this happened and the condition has not returned. My wife has passed this information on to our doctor. We have not had to use the spray since.

Below you can find useful information about the benefits and uses of Colloidal Silver. These are links to independent websites on Colloidal Silver.

Body & Mind Shop makes no medical or health claims of any kind about Colloidal Silver (as this is prohibited by FDA ruling). These links are for educational purposes only and do not represent the views of Body & Mind Shop, UK.

Concerned about the deadly E.Coli bacteria outbreak? Check out these scientific papers proving how silver ions are highly effective at diasabling the deadly E.Coli bacteria without harmful side effect to humans:

The Effect Of Silver Ions

Silver e-coli



Antimicrobial Agent

Antibacterial Efficacy of Colloidal Silver


Comments: I have been using Colloidal Silver spray for the past couple of months to treat a delicate skin condition--it has worked extremely well and I would recommend this product to friends and family who have already made purchases for themselves--please could I have plastic bottles again--many thanks Body & Mind Shop


  • EYE INFECTIONS (pink eye, conjunctivitis, sty)—Two drops in the eye, three to four times per day. A quality colloidal silver formula is very soothing to the eyes.
  • EAR INFECTIONS—10 drops in the ear, leave for two minutes, then tip out; repeat three to four times per day.
  • NASAL INFECTIONS—One to two dropperfuls down each nostril, while in sitting position with your head tilted back. Leave in for two minutes, then swallow; repeat three to four times per day.
  • MOUTH AND GUM INFECTIONS—Hold one to two teaspoons on area inside mouth for a couple of minutes, then swallow; repeat three to four times a day.
  • NAIL FUNGUS—Spray or drop on area several times a day. Depending on severity, protocol can go on for days or a couple of weeks.
  • FOOT ODOR—Spray feet and toes well in the morning and at night.
  • COLDS AND FLU-Hold one to two teaspoons under tongue for 30 seconds, then swallow. Repeat every hour or two, preferably on an empty stomach.
  • SORE THROAT AND STREP—Gargle one to two tablespoons for two minutes, then swallow; repeat five times per day. If using spray, spray throat 10 to 15 times every hour or two.
  • TOPICALLY (cuts, scrapes, burns, infections)—Spray directly on area five to 10 times; repeat five times per day.
  • FOOD POISONING OR DYSENTERY—Swallow one tablespoon directly (every hour) without holding under tongue. Take on an empty stomach.
  • URINARY TRACT INFECTION—Same as food poisoning.
  • RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS—Place one teaspoon in a nebulizer and inhale for 10 minutes; repeat three times per day.
  • VAGINAL INFECTIONS—Take one part silver and two parts distilled water; hold inside for a couple minutes; repeat two times per day.
  • CANDIDA ALBICANS—Swallow one tablespoon of silver with one tablespoon of aloe vera on an empty stomach three times per day. Take a quality probiotic before going to bed. Follow protocol for two weeks to three months.
  • TRAVELER'S DIARRHEA—Swallow one teaspoon three to seven times per day. (Don't leave home without it.)
  • WATER PURIFICATION—Apply one to two tablespoons per gallon of water.
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