Nutritional Advice

Nutritional Advice

Often your body needs assistance to function properly. Naturopaths are skilled in tailoring naturopathic programs to your unique requirements. Difficulty in losing weight, recovering from illness, fatigue, anxiety, skin problems, headaches, joint pain and stiffness.

There are many people suffering unnecessarily through the effects of bad diet, symptoms that can be attributed to malnutrition and respond remarkably well over the long-term by providing a healthier diet regime that need not be dramatic.

As a practitioner, the integration of natural medicine through actively encouraging 'Lifestyle' change, I have witnessed so many instances of improvement in health, often within a few days with dietary changes, when all else has failed. I have spent many years of research, sourcing nature's richest food for the Body & Mind Shop's new organic range that provides a choice of different ways of raising levels of nutrition: from apple cider vinegar slimming activator, boosted with an extra wealth of trace elements (zinc, chromium and sea extract), to Q10 ginsengkyo, containing gingkyo used as a peripheral vasodilator for increased circulation to the vital parts and to counter mental fatigue. The high Q10 time release, together with high ginseng, increases potency, used to increase both male and female libido.

One's biogenic energy release can be further enhanced with Fat burner energy release with high vitamin C and magnesium oxygenator used in asthma, allowing you to easily reach a therapeutic dose. High vitamin C can be used to ease arthritis and other painful conditions. The 'powerful action' organic slimming pills introduce freeze dried quality supplements, a natural probiotic as a vegetarian alternative to helping with mineral deficiencies.

So please feel free to click the liink and peruse at your leisure these healing recipes taken from extracts of 'Organic Secrets of the Temple' that follow. I consider them to be recipes of health, exceptional and exciting in their use of healthier alternatives. My intention is to make this website a useful resource for those who are looking for complementary solutions.

Wholefood cookery gives you the ideas to provide quality meals within a limited budget, make every healthy meal a building block for better future health, making food your medicine. Just like your car, your body runs better on the right grade of fuel. Treat your body like a Temple and reap the rewards of longevity and a better quality of life. You owe it to yourself and your family.

Healthy combinations give you simple ideas and encourage you to make healthy food choices instead of resorting to convenience food, which taken on a regular basis leads to poor health and a low spirit. Try and ensure that at least once a day you have a wholefood meal.

'Powerful Action' slimming tablets, which can be taken as a daily dietary supplement to leaness and aliveness with organic energy just taken with water/juice or soups for those who lead busy lives during the day to help boost your metabolism rather than going for hours without eating and as a result your metabolism will actually slow down and lead to lethargy and weight gain.

Try our Wholefood Recipes for healthy living.

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