Homeopathic Weight loss Remedies

homeopathic blended to aid body detox and block cravings for food with it’s mild and gentle diuretic effect to help: cellulite, excess fluids.

from £19.99
  • Indicated for cravings & desires, general addictive tendencies, and the negative effects of substance abuse.
  • Homeopathy is a safe and inexpensive way to promote the body's natural ability to heal.
  • Cellulite, excess fluids, congestion, toxins, great tenderness over abdomen, inflammation and oedema.
Body & Minds Shop Homeopathic Weightloss Support

Homeopathic Weightloss Support

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How to lose weight using homeopathic support 

homeopathic blended to aid body detox and block cravings for food with it’s mild and gentle diuretic effect to help: cellulite, excess fluids.

from only £19.99

Homeopathic Guide on how to lose weight
Homeopathy is a natural and safe system of medicine that works with your body’s own healing processes. As a system of medicine, homeopathy has been used worldwide for over 200 years and is very well established.

Homeopathy is a safe and inexpensive way to promote the body's natural ability to heal. Each homeopathic remedy has specific documented effects upon the mind and body. The homeopathic medicines listed below are indicated for cravings & desires, general addictive tendencies, and the negative effects of substance abuse.

Homeopathy is a safe and inexpensive way to promote the body's natural ability to heal. Each homeopathic remedy has specific documented effects upon the mind and body. The homeopathic medicines listed below are indicated for cravings & desires, general addictive tendencies, and the negative effects of substance abuse.


Homeopathic De-Tox, & Slimming Programme

The purpose of this Homeopathic De-tox and Slimming Programme is to eliminate toxins from the body as quickly and gently as possible. Toxins are simply substances that create harmful effects in the body. They can come from an almost unlimited number of sources, including environmental toxins, polluted foods, mercury fillings and poor diet. Even our own bodies create toxins through regular metabolic functions, emotions and stress.

A suggested preliminary flush: 1-5 days of Fruit and Vegetables juices - ideal for detoxifying the system as they have a natural cleansing and alkalising effect. If taken in place of a meal they give the digestive system a much-needed break, while still providing nutrients and energy from their natural sugars. Read Louis Woolf’s ‘Organic Secrets from the Temple’.

How does it work?

Our body will use it’s various organs to help keep clean the wanted substances in check, i.e. the liver, kidneys, skin, intestines etc. These organs must be supported with homeopathy essential a natural healing process together with herbs, organic supplements, exercise, bathing…

Homeopathic Formula One

This homeopathic naturally calming and de-tox blend is designed for it’s mild and gentle diuretic effect to help any of the following symptoms: cellulite, excess fluids, congestion, toxins, great tenderness over abdomen, inflammation and oedema. During this process it is especially helpful to drink 1-2 litres of water/juice/herbal teas per day. These things are associated with other indulgences; at the table preferably taking rich and stimulating food.

Directions suggested:

Dose two tablets to be taken on a clean tongue last thing at night before you go to bed; then two tablets to be taken before or on rising again away from food or water. Then take the final dose of two tablets before you go to bed that night. Repeat the dose of six tablets every three to seven days to encourage a mild diuretic effect

Homeopathic Formula Two

In this second ‘homeopathic blend’ the tablets are taken to curb excessive hunger pangs, and associated swollen abdomen with distension. A normalising of excessive appetite and food intake will then occur. For maximum effect dietary guide lines to set the right environment should be followed taken alongside Body and Mind Shop Powerful Action Supplements to balance the thyroid and boost the metabolism encourage cell rejuvenation helping to totally fulfil the body’s real biochemical and nutritional needs.

Directions suggested:

Formula two ideally to follow formula one (after three days). Dose two tablets to be taken on a clean tongue last thing at night before you go to bed; then two tablets to be taken before or on rising the next morning and then finally two tablets again last thing that night; away from (food or water). Homeopathic tablets can be taken five times daily; stop taking when normal appetite returns. See Homeopathic guidelines provided.

The familiar syndrome of craving, psychological stress and fatigue is eliminated when the appetite is appeased. The chances of reaching for a cigarette or food as a comfort or an automatic response to stress is reduced quite dramatically in a natural way and the intake of stimulants such as coffee, chocolate containing sugars (refined carbohydrates) and fats, which can lead to weight gain are reduced, returning the body to a calmer, more relaxed state of body and mind: the change is natural indirect and stabilising.


It appears to work in Switzerland

The English translation of the Swiss Health Technology
Assessment  (HTA) report on homeopathy was published in December 2011. This extensive and authoritative report offers an unambiguous endorsement of the evidence base for homeopathy. The report also provides strong evidence for the effectiveness of homeopathy in upper respiratory tract infections and allergic reactions (URTI/A). In light of the recent claims in the UK media that there is no ‘scientific evidence’ for homeopathy, this example of robust evidence in favour of homeopathy is of particular importance.



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